The Fight Fans Chat Page
In a effort to bring together boxing fans from all over the
world Fight Fans has a permanent chat page for use by
its visitors 24 hours a day. Please report any difficulties or
problems to me via E-mail and I will try to get any problems
solved as quickly as possible. Also if you want to schedule a
regular chat so everyone can show up at the same time to talk
E-mail me and I will post times on this page.
Note: If you are unable to run Java applications, Click for the HTML version of this chat room.
The Fight Fans Chat Rules
We are all adults here so I do not have any rules set for the
boxing chat. Please do try and keep things clean and profanity
to a minimum. With that in mind I hope everyone enjoy's the new
addition to Fight Fans and that I will not have to turn
the chat into a moderated forum.
Marty Mulcahey